Here’s an overview of recent sightings in the ongoing street sticker watch.

There are hand drawn monkey faces and bug faces up on parking signs around Capitol Hill. I tend to think that they fit The Bald Man‘s M.O.

These are posted around Broadway. They’re short bios of Woody Allen and Dwight Jonsson, “sportsman, husband, dutiful child, lover, architectural theorist.” A Google search identifies Jonsson as a former writer and cartoonist for the UW Daily, whose work inspired a number of letters to the editor.

This figure is stenciled onto mailboxes around town. The posters first went up a couple of weeks ago, I believe.

Art or advertisement? The artists behind the bear doodle poster (above) and the bunny (below), are both selling craft products at the Bluebottle Gallery on Pine.

Good advice…
very good eye with the monkey.
they all have individual names, you know.
it’s a crew effort.
filler monkey.