New mom Sam has an article in the New York Times about the legions of mothers that fill her Brooklyn neighborhood during the day: The Park Slope Parent Trap
Category: Words
Me & Mine
I’m posting at least one new Benjamin pic every day on Flickr.
I missed my weekly neighborhood dinner a couple of Sunday’s back, but I read about it in the paper. (See the back of Tricia’s pregnant head in the second picture.)
Born June 26. He’s perfect.
Two Bits
There’s been no Mac G4-optimized Firefox builds of the latest Firefox security release from the usual sources. (new priorities.) But I located one here.
Six Apart: “Later this year the open source version of [ ] Movable Type will be released under the GPL license.”
I Watch Lost
Desmond walked out of the tube station, past Charlie, paying him no notice. When it started to rain, Charlie packed up his guitar and ran off. Then he saw the mugging, ran into the alley and chased off the purse snatcher.
As things played out in the version of the events as Desmond relived them after the portal exploded, Desmond saw Charlie, confronted him and delayed him long enough so that he likely never witnessed the mugging.
Now events are falling into place as Desmond predicts them, except that Charlie doesn’t die. Desmond’s flashes of Charlie’s deaths follow his relived version of the events. But due to some twist of causality in the way that things actually played out (or simply due to karma Charlie earned by preventing the mugging), Charlie doesn’t die.
I put my ear to Tricia’s belly to try to find the baby’s heartbeat and the baby started kicking directly onto the spot where I’d put my ear.
Things Change
Tricia showing
Jeff practicing with Ever
Baby kicking
Our boy is due in just over four months. I did some stealth blogging about the pregnancy in November and December, and I’m making those entries visible today.
Critical Shopping
Häagen-Dazs ice cream is on sale. But the selection has already been picked through. The popular flavors are gone. Only a scattering of pints in bland varieties remain: creme brulee, walnut, and two kinds of vanilla. The only chocolate left is in the English Toffee. But there’s a blind spot in the ice cream freezer display where the frame of the door blocks several varieties from view. The impulse shoppers were too quick to notice. These flavors are almost fully stocked. It’s like finding Narnia, except that the forgotten stash of Mint Chocolate Chip isn’t an allegory for Jesus.
I’m shifting books around in my storage unit. I hear the elevator door open down the hallway. The sound of footsteps echoes around the hallway, then the sound of a key being selected from a key ring. A lock is removed, a latch opened , and the garage-style door of one of the storage units is lifted. The visitor makes no sound for about thirty seconds. Then a piano plays. It goes through a complete song, one I don’t know. The final note is followed by a silent beat, then the door closes and the lock goes on. The visitor speaks: “It’s out of tune.” That sentence echoes around the hallway. The elevator doors whisper open and then shut, and it’s quiet again.
Twelve Weeks
We had an ultrasound on Monday. The baby is looking healthy. He (or she) is active — rolling around and kicking off the side of the uterus.
If you’ll indulge me, here’s the highlight reel. (1.6 MB Quicktime, about 5 minutes to dowload on dialup)
The second trimester begins on Christmas day.