A Vat of Molasses

On Thursday, Mari & I followed up on a little misadventure, we went to Sara’s birthday party for real this time. (Sara really knows how to throw a party, by the way. For her thirtieth, she rented out the 35th floor of Smith Tower for god’s sake.) I like seeing the particular slice of Amazon people (& others) that go to Sara’s things. Mari wasn’t feeling well and headed home after awhile.

Sara coaxed people over to the stage when the band started playing. I wandered around the crowd some, anchoring myself to conversations and acquaintances, then cutting myself loose after a few minutes. Dan was wearing a utilikilt. We talked about it for a minute. Actually now that I think about it, the conversation about Dan’s kilt was with Ben, who seemed to know a lot about it.

At one point, ready for another drink, I was interpreting the logic of the line at the bar, and saw Mark getting ready to leave. I took the chance to catch a ride back to Capitol Hill. Mark and friends dropped me off a couple of blocks from home and headed downtown, to another show.

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